A Message from MWGM Tom Needham

A Message from MWGM Tom Needham

At the 148th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Wyoming, I was elected Grand Master of Masons in the State. I am grateful for the support of the Brothers throughout Wyoming. This year's Grand Lodge Session was a success due to the hard work of Most Worshipful Grand Master Mathew J. Ramey. It was an honor to serve as Deputy Grand Master beside Grand Master Ramey during 2022/23. Congratulations on a job well done! The Grand Lodge of Wyoming consists of its elected and appointed officers and members, Past Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens, Past Grand Treasurers, Past Grand Secretaries, and the Worshipful Masters and Wardens of the constituent lodges or their lawful representatives, who represent and serve every Freemason in the State…
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148th Annual Communication Info & Registration

148th Annual Communication Info & Registration

The 148th Annual Communication will be held August 7-9, 2022 at the Ramkota Inn in Casper, Wyoming. The schedule and registration forms can be found below (click on the links to open fillable PDFs): Delegates Registration Form, 2022 Annual Communication Visiting Grand Lodge Officer, PGM & Visitors (Other Jurisdictions) Registration Form, 2022 Annual Communication Condensed Schedule, 2022 Annual Communication (*Hover over the PDF with your mouse curser and click on the arrow at the bottom to navigate to page 2)
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GWMNM Cornerstone Dedication Re-Enactment

GWMNM Cornerstone Dedication Re-Enactment

Save the Date for the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Cornerstone Dedication Re-enactment which will be held on February 20, 2023. Learn more about the event by clicking HERE or on the banner below: https://gwmemorial.org/pages/cornerstone
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