Grand Lodge Library

Going back to the early 1800’s local and grand lodges began libraries not only to hold their archives; but, also, in the spirit of Benjamin Franklin, to acquire and lend books to improve brethren’s knowledge.  It is with these same two purposes that the Wyoming Grand Lodge Library exists:


Within the Library is a mini-museum containing Masonic Artifacts such as Pictures of all Past Grand Masters, the original Wyoming Grand Lodge Officers Jewels, a piece of stone from the original White House construction materials, a block of marble from the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, a collection of old Masonic Aprons with many handmade by either stitching or painting, old Masonic Patents including one signed by Albert Pike, the proceedings from all Wyoming Grand Lodge Communications, many old gavels, and much more.


The Library contains almost 3,000 volumes covering all aspects of Masonry and many other subjects.  Some examples of the books in the library are as follows:

  • Original Bible used by Asa L. Brown to open Independence Rock Lodge No. 1, Wyoming Territory, July 4, 1862, on top of Independence Rock,  the first Masonic Meeting recorded in Wyoming.
  •  Oldest Book in the Library:  “The Freemason’s Monitor” by Thomas S. Webb published in New York, 1802.  The book belonged to Hm. H. Smith and was donated to the library by Alfred J. Mokler, Grand Historian, June 11, 1947.
  • Numerous Old Rituals belonging to Past Grand Masters of Wyoming and other well known Wyoming Masons.
  • Old Rituals from other Jurisdictions
  • Proceedings from other Grand Lodge Jurisdictions including those from the Indian and Dakota Territories.

Thus, the contents of the Library vary from early 19th Century to current publications, a rich and varied collection.

Contact Information:
Grand Library
Masonic Temple
1820 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY  82001

Gary D. Skillern, PGM
Grand Librarian
(307) 630-5933

September through June
Tuesdays – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Special Appointments & Pre-arrangements:
The Library is opened for special occasions such as Open Houses or Scottish Rite Reunions.  In addition, special arrangements to open the Library for individuals or a group can be made by calling either brother Bill or Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Skillern.